Marriage & Divorce

Located in Corydon, IN
Located in Corydon, IN
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Hire Our Dynamic Attorney to Get Through Your Divorce

Annulment of Marriage

An annulment may only be obtained through a very strict and specific process laid out by the Indiana Family Code. If an annulment is able to be obtained, however, legally this means that those involved were never married at all.

Trust Austin Law Office for a hassle-free annulment. Visit us today!

Learn More About Legal Separation

A legal separation is a process that determines everything, including spousal and child support, custody and visitation and property issues. Essentially, this process is the same as a divorce, except at the conclusion those involved are still married.

Let Us Handle Your Divorce Case

A dissolution of marriage, more commonly known as a "Divorce," is a process that is handled the exact same way as a separation, except in this case, those involved will no longer be married.

Contact Us for Domestic Violence and Protective Orders

Protective orders are provided for the protection of those who are victims of spousal abuse. Along with this, support, visitation and custody orders may sometimes be applied. Contact our brilliant attorney today!
Schedule a FREE divorce consultation today. Call 812-738-3883 now!
Rely on Austin Law Office. We have been serving the area reliably since 1979. Visit us today for a FREE initial consultation!
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